Saturday, December 5, 2009


So, for Thanksgiving, my mother took my brother and I to Aruba! And it was a fabulous trip, let me tell you! I had a few firsts while I was there, which frankly, was surprising because I mostly just sat on my tush all day on the beach!

Now, this is more a "technical" first, because I have gone wakeboarding before...but this was the first time that I ever wakeboarded on the ocean! I think that counts! And hot dang, it was HARD! Those waves make it much more difficult than doing it on a lake...I was so sore the next day, I could hardly move! But I was very proud of myself because I got up out of the water on my second try (after not having wakeboarded in about 6 or 7 years!).

Also, this will be the first time I've posted a picture of myself in a bathing suit on my blog. That is a little scary...I mean, yeah, it's from kind of far away, but still, I'm a little self-conscious!

Now, this is a BIG first! This trip was the first time I EVER gambled! And let me tell you, I SUCK at gambling! I was too afraid to do anything too tough, so I stuck to the slots...and when I would run out of money or decide to cash out (cause I didn't WANT to run out of money!), I'd go help my mom by pulling the little lever on her machine.

And while we were gambling together, we hit the jackpot! Like for real!! We made $300 on a 25 cent machine! So I guess it was not only my first time gambling, but my first time winning the jackpot! WOO! Trying new things actually paid off this time! ;)

See those "WILD"s across the board?? We are awesome!

On our last night, we stayed in our room a little while longer before dinner and watched the sunset. Now, this may sound crazy...but I have never just sat and watched a sunset. And WOW. I have about 25 pictures of it because it was so incredibly beautiful! And once it gets close, it happens so fast! Very cool. And a great way to say goodbye to Aruba.

Now I'm back...and my fabulous tan is fading...which is just so sad! But, this does mean that Christmas is coming! AND before Christmas, my birthday! YAY! 20 days til Christmas! 16 until the "First Day of Winter"! And 12 until my birthday!!

Until next time... I'll be listening to holiday songs pretty much 24/7! I have a collection of approximately 215 songs. What about you? :)