Tuesday, March 29, 2011

1.2 Miles

That's the goal after work today. Just 1.2...I'm going to slowly work my way up .2 miles at a time. I figure I can handle that.

We'll see if I can be disciplined enough to stay on schedule.

Anyone have running tips for me? And racing tips for me? Especially because there's no bag check at this race...so I'm sort of nervous. I will have to layer clothes but I'm not sure what the weather will be like yet...and I'm sure there will be water stations and what-have-you, but should I still bring water? I have no idea! Should I do ear phones or no ear phones? This isn't a race with a big crowd of spectators so I don't feel like I'd be missing out on the cheering or anything...

And on that note, does anyone have any good running playlists they wanna throw my way? :)

And how do I keep myself psyched for this? I feel like in a week or two I'll be totally bored and I won't want to do it anymore. Or I'll just get lazy. How do I keep it fresh?

Completely Unrelated Tidbit: Did you know that in India women pierce the outside of the left nostril because it's supposed to make childbirth easier? Because Ayurvedic medicine associates the location with the female reproductive organs. (Thanks Wikipedia!)

I never knew the origin of the custom. I wonder if it works. Get a nose ring...labor's a breeze? (Ci - perhaps try this next time? hehe!) I think it's worth a try!


Monday, March 28, 2011


I just signed up for my first race! Like a running race!


I'm so scared. Haha.

Granted, it's only a 5K and it's totes non-competitive.

It's going to be super cool I think because it's at the Bronx Zoo! It's to raise money for penguins in Argentina who are losing their habitat! I love penguins so this is like the perfect first race.

But here's the thing...I was running all last spring and summer. And doing really well (in my own way...since I had never run before in my LIFE). But then I stopped. And now...well, getting back into it is a struggle.

I ran a mile on Wednesday and was exhausted. Literally out of breath. After a mile.

I have a little over a month to get up to 3.1 miles without pooping out on myself. I think this is possible.

...I think.

My goal is actually to get to 4 miles before the race so that the 3.1 feels a little easy.

But again, I fail at running, so we'll see how that works out.


That's how I feel. :)

Peace my lovelies!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Going Private

Hello Readers.

I'm going to make this blog private. I'd love for you to keep reading so please send me an email or post a comment letting me know your email address and I'll add you so you can continue to follow along in the life of meeeeee.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today, as I suffer from my monthly womanly woes, I was thinking to myself... "I wonder if cramps burn calories...". So I thought, "I'll google it."

Now part of me was totally embarrassed that, A) I wondered this at all ...I'm that lazy that I hope cramps are doing some caloric good? B) I'm going to google this at work and C) I am pretty sure I know the answer to this already...but I'm hoping I'm wrong.

So I start to type it into google and y'know how it tries to predict what you're searching for? Well, all I have typed in is "Do menstrual cramps" and BAM! Choice number 3 is "burn calories?".

And I think to myself, "Well, obviously, I'm not the only one to think this way! I have no need to feel embarrassed!"

Turns out...they don't. Bummer. Cause I'd be burning up a storm today.

Hope all the men out there that read this blog enjoyed this post! (what is that, like 1 person? I can't even think of a guy I know who reads this blog...but if you're out there, I truly hope you liked the info I just provided!)


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

2 Weeks Til Vacation!

2 weeks until I am headed to the airport to fly down to FABULOUS Austin, TX! :)

Sometimes, when I'm bored, I look online at apartments down there and think about how truly AWESOME it would be to leave here and just start fresh! New city, new job, my family around me! Ugh, I'd love it. I hope it happens relatively soon.

Until then, I'm trying to stay upbeat and positive. I have at least one thing to look forward to: I will be heading to Boston for a mere...6 hours this Saturday and I could not be more excited! Woo woo!

Other than that...3 more days til the weekend! I count them down slooooooowly but surely! Every dang week! And then start over again on Monday...sigh.

Doesn't ANYONE want to pay me to sing for a living??! C'mon people...