Sunday, March 28, 2010

Let's Vote

Should I go back to school in 2011?

Yay or Nay?

Weight Loss Update

So...if anyone actually reads all of my posts, you may remember one waaaay back in January saying I wanted to lose 12 pounds by March 15. Well, I've been working toward that goal and I totally forgot when March 15 passed to check my progress!

...And now I've forgotten what I weighed when I made the dang goal. Ha. IF my memory serves me correctly, I can officially say


Even if it doesn't, I'm definitely down a decent amount of pudgy-ness. AND I've decided to just keep going til I can't anymore! In a healthy way. My body likes to tell me "hey, I don't like being any lighter than this" and I'll just stop losing and maintain. So I'm gonna go until that happens or until I feel like stopping and having a pizza! Haha.

But anyway, wohoo for me! I just had to put this out in the universe! I have self-control sometimes!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Can someone tell me...

When is it my turn?

Honestly. I have to watch everyone around me succeed. When is it my turn?

Someone give me a chance to do the one thing I want to do in life. Please?

I mean, seriously.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Spice Rack

This post is for my friend Jane, who was looking for some fun decorating ideas!

So, when I was moving into this new apartment, I needed a spice rack, but I needed it to be mounted on the wall because I don't have much counter space! So I looked around and looked around and just couldn't find something I liked. I took a trip out to IKEA to get a couple things and hopefully find myself a spice rack, when I found this:

They had this magnetic board and a bunch of fun magnets, but they had these little cans with magnets on the at IKEA, this was in an office and those cans were filled with paper clips and rubber bands and stuff.

So, I took a dry erase marker and wrote what each of the spices were on the can and then filled it! And just put them in a little design. Sometimes I change up the design when bored! And then I can also put little notes up there, or my grocery list... I really like it!

And...well, it's kind of like art! It takes up space on what would have been a very bare wall!

So there you have it! My super random spice rack! :)

A Real Website

So, I finally finished my "real" website! Y'know, the one with a purpose?? It has my resume and voice over reel on it! You should go check it out! I still need to work out a few tweaks, but I think it's pretty decent!

Go take a look:

Until next time!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rain, rain, go away...

So, all that snow we got...well, we basically got that amount again in the form of rain this weekend. Yesterday I went to pick up a package at the FedEx Warehouse in the Bronx...and it was quite the adventure. The rain was SO bad it broke my really strong and amazing polka-dot umbrella as well as soaked me to the bone...I got back and my hair was literally like I just stepped out of the shower.

And this morning, the thunder!!! It was AWESOME! It sounded like a building collapsed at one point. Craaaaazy.

So today is Inside Day...boring cleaning and laundry and all that. The puppies are full of energy. I wish I could take them for a walk, but I can't take them out in that weather!

Aaaanyway, I figured it was time for an update, but I don't really have all that much to say... Um, spring is coming! And that's nice!

OH! I turned in my tax stuff! Hooray!

Aaaand, I'm going to visit my family soon! Yippee!!

Ok, time to start cleaning...