Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 120: If that isn't a dilated eye, I don't know what is.

Via Flickr:
Eye Doctor this morning. Let me tell you how great it feels to stare at my computer screen right now. With bright office lights. Yeah...awesome.

Day 119: Dinner. Zucchini and pasta with light carbonara sauce. Yeah.

This actually looks more delicious than it was. But it was still pretty yummy. And full of good for me veggies!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 118: My Little Red Book - It's almost full!

Via Flickr:
This is my calendar for 2011. It's September. I cannot believe it. It's ALMOST OCTOBER. I really can't believe it. And my book will be done in just a few months. It's such a cute little book. I heart it. :)

Day 117: Just finished it. Good read.

Via Flickr:
A woman on the subway told me that I should see the movie. I think I will.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 116: Artsy "Dancer" Photo (except I'm not flexible in the slightest)

Ugh - this is what comes from having a full-time job and not taking dance for a year. I have got to get myself back into class. But...this picture came about while on a walk with the doggies along the Hudson river, there's this crazy beautiful gazebo-esque thing. Boy was like "doesn't this look like a place where someone would take their 'dancer body' photos"? And I was like "Oh totes. In fact...let's do it." So I did.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Two Things

1.  I know I say this every year, but I LOVE the smell of Autumn.  It's finally starting to cool down here in NYC, and with that comes the crisp fall air.  Now technically Autumn does not begin for another 3 days, I think.  But I can smell it.  And I love that.

...Of course, this week it's supposed to rain every day and I doubt it'll smell as fabulous as it did all weekend with the cooler air.  UGH I LOVE THE SMELL OF AUTUMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2.  So it may LOOK like I am on my blog every day-ish and staying on top of stuff, but I am here to tell you that I am NOT.  It has been SO long since I've had the opportunity to catch up on what everyone else is up to.  I literally take maybe 2 minutes to come on and TAG the posts that I forward over from flickr...and then I leave immediately.  (Because I am usually doing that in a spare moment at work...which seem to be very few and far between nowadays....) 

So I ask you, dear friends, update me on your life.  Leave me a little comment telling me how you're doing and what's new...because then it goes to my email and I take a little moment out of my day and get to think of you.  :)

PS:  As you can see from my Sunday picture, I ran the Race for the Cure on Sunday!  It was fabulous to run a race in Central Park.  And I didn't finish last out of my group, which was my goal.  (...I did finish second-to-last, but it wasn't LAST!  Plus, it was mostly tall boys and tall boys run fast.)

Ok, gotta get back to the grind.  Love you all!

Day 110: Yum. Fajita night.

Day 110: Yum. Fajita night. by lalasappy
Day 110: Yum. Fajita night., a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
This recipe was from one of those little McCormick Spice Recipe things...y'know, where they give you all the spices you need for the recipe?? It was actually REALLY yummy. I was impressed.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 109: I ran 3.1 miles for cancer!

Via Flickr:
I put together a team at my office to run Race for the Cure, which raises money to fight breast cancer. We raised over $1000 for the cause. And I was just happy that I didn't finish last out of our team! :)

Day 108: At the Dog Run

Day 108: At the Dog Run by lalasappy
Day 108: At the Dog Run, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Scouter got some major exercise. She slept very well Saturday night.

Day 107: Its My Party!

Day 107: Its My Party! by lalasappy
Day 107: Its My Party!, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
The boy threw me a party for having over 100 connections on linked-in. Cookie cake and all. And as you can see, a tiara. A silly excuse for a good time. :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 106: I got a basket! A fruit basket! From Will!

I have good friends. One of them is named Will. He gave me a fruit basket because I got him a job at my company. This is the basket sans fruit. How cool is this though: the basket was ALL organic fruit - and if possible, locally grown. So far - the fruit is GOOD.

Day 105: You can't tell, but this is a cake - 8 inches in diameter. Not your average doughnut.

I baked my first giant doughnut cake! Took it to work. I think it was a hit, because there weren't any leftovers!

Day 104: Bike Injury

Day 104: Bike Injury by lalasappy
Day 104: Bike Injury, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.

….I ran into a wall. I always seem to run into things on bikes. That's how I broke my wrist when I was younger. This was just a large bloody scratch.

Day 103: Look what I won!

Day 103: Look what I won! by lalasappy
Day 103: Look what I won!, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.

At the City in Pink Party for Race for the Cure!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 102: All I find myself doing during this show is yelling "WHAAAT??!"

Via Flickr:
Seriously. Claire goes missing. Boone has some crazy out of body experience. THERE ARE OTHERS?! WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THIS ISLAND?!?!?!?!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 101: Blueberry Muffins

Day 100: Blueberry Muffins by lalasappy
Day 100: Blueberry Muffins, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.
While watching the memorial on TV, I wanted to bake something. (a coping mechanism, perhaps?) Blueberry muffins felt American to me….is that weird? I would've done like apple or cherry pie, but didn't have apples or cherries. So blueberry muffins it was! They're quite delicious and baked with lots of love.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 100: The New Tower

Day 100: The New Tower by lalasappy
Day 100: The New Tower, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
I get my hair cut downtown…and as I was walking to the train, I looked up and realized that I had a perfect view of the new One World Trade Center. I didn't want to get much closer than I was because I'm sure it's crowded with people... seeing that it's one day away from the 10 year anniversary, but it did make me stop and reflect for a moment.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A little taste of the Wizarding World...

So, if you hadn't noticed from my "photo-a-day" pictures…I went on vacation last weekend.  To the most magical place in the entire world…
(OK, yes, I did go to Disney, which is probably what you think of as the most magical place in the world, but I am here to tell you that you are WRONG.)

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

It was beyond awesomely nerdy and great.  I am slightly embarrassed of my Harry Potter obsession, but now that it's out in the blogging world, I'm going to embrace it and GUSH about this trip.  In multiple blog posts.  So get ready.  

First…just some lovely scenic shots.  :)

I first got to walk through the village of Hogsmeade…how incredibly adorable is this place?  Seriously.  Beautiful.  Down to every last detail.

Then after walking through Hogsmeade, I came upon the most famous and awesome School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  Hogwarts.

After learning some important spells and jinxes, I went back into down for some snacks.  Of course, I stopped by Honeydukes.

Then I stopped by the Owl Post to send some postcards (with an official Hogsmeade postmark!  I tell you, these people, they think of everything) and check out some adorable owls!

Then I walked over to Hagrid's Hut to say hi to Buckbeak and Fang.  

"Where to next?" I asked myself.

It was winter…in September…so I checked out this cutie-pie snow-witch somebody made.

Then I went to Ollivander's because I didn't have my own wand yet…and…well, that's a story for another post but let's just say the child in me just about wet her pants with glee during that experience.

Back to Honeydukes for more treats… (did you see my Chocolate Frog??)

The details…this is what I'm talking about.  This is the clock-tower in Hogsmeade.  How gorgeous is this??  Just every little bit of it was totally awesome.

More to come…seriously…I cannot stop gushing about it.  

HP Fans…be brave.  Come out and tell me what you think!  Ask me questions!  I'll answer!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 99: My Wand. Yeah. I'm that cool.

Via Flickr:
Ash. 13 1/2 inches. Phoenix Tail Feather Core. And it chose me!! Yeah!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 98: Quality time with my favorite guy.

Via Flickr:
I'm sorry, but this is the cutest dog ever on the face of the earth and I cannot stop taking pictures of him. He loves watching TV...that's what he's doing in this one. You can tell something has his attention. ...No, you can't? Just me? Yeah whatever, he's the cutest.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 97: I used this today!

Day 97: I used this today! by lalasappy
Day 97: I used this today!, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Crumbs is the best. Crumbs "BOGO" coupons are even BESTIER!

I had a Milkshake cupcake that rocked my world. But not only that, I got to catch up with my friend Natalie and get some good girl-bonding time! I tell ya, there's really nothing better than cupcakes with friends.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 96: My Very First Chocolate Frog

Via Flickr:
It is huge. Seriously. A giant chocolate frog. Just....a big ol' hunk of chocolate. Like wow.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 94: Magic Kingdom...Main Street Electrical Parade!!!

Via Flickr:
I saw this parade with my family when I was 5 years old. Still has the same music. I felt like a kid again! Happy me.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 93: Hogsmeade!!!

Day 93: Hogsmeade!!! by lalasappy
Day 93: Hogsmeade!!!, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
I died a little. It was amazing. This is from across the river. More shots to come when I upload camera stuff!