Wednesday, February 10, 2010


It snowed today! It snoooooowed today!! Last I was outside, we had 7 inches! I love snow. I've been waiting for a good coating ever since I got back from Christmas and I got it today. One of my favorite things in the world is to be inside, snuggled on the couch with the pups, watching the snowflakes fall outside my windows.

I did go out in the snow a bit today and took some pictures on my walk home...

This is on my street. I would not attempt to use those stairs today! I already slipped and fell on the subway stairs.

Down my street...

Coolest Tree Ever!!

The Courtyard in my Building!

I love it! It's a winter wonderland!

I'm going home this weekend for some work, but truly, I'm going home to see my family. Couldn't be more excited. And as a bonus, I'm flying Jetblue! I love Jetblue. They are an awesome drinks, free snacks, and a TV in every seat! I just watch trashy VH1 shows while I travel. I highly recommend it. I have anything else to say? Oh, THE TUDORS...I love watching it. I've just finished Season 3. They have some rockin' actors. Actually inspiring to watch at times. Not to mention the magnificent eye candy. ;)

Oh...and check out my hilarious dog:

Don't ask me why, but she always sleeps like this after a long walk or an hour at the dog park...anything where she totally wears herself out...this apparently is the most comfortable way to sleep it off! I don't get it. But I laugh.

That's all for today. Perhaps I will update this just a little more often in the future.

Until next time.

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