Saturday, June 5, 2010

Dear World,

Do men really think that if they compliment my breasts as I walk by them on the street that I'll be flattered?

Do they think I'll stop and thank them and it will be a great conversation starter?

And for that matter, do other men think that I will want to date them if they whisper dirty things at me when I am walking by them on the street?

Do they think I'll turn around and be like "you think my butt is delicious?? that's so romantic! please take me out on a date RIGHT NOW"?

Please inform these strange men that this is not the case.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

we're taught that a person's worth is primarily physical and also that we're entitled to say whatever we'd like--particularly to strangers because there is little chance of retribution of any sort. i hope you enjoyed that run-on sentence.