Monday, July 19, 2010


Joni Mitchell makes me happy. And sad. But a good sad. Cause it's an inspirational sad.

Gotta love her.

Monday, July 12, 2010


I love it when people surprise me. And I don't mean like jumping out from behind the couch surprise. I mean...I love when people show the good they have inside. I have such wonderful friends and family who are so supportive and loving. And today has been a day where I have seen that from multiple people in my life.

So thank you friends. You are the reason I still have faith in mankind. Cause a lot of times, mankind sorta stinks. But you guys don't. You smell great.


Hey There Blog Fans!

Hi Folks. So I made a new email address through gmail and I decided to switch my blog onto that account. If you read my blog, and you have a blog and it's "invite only", um...I can't see it anymore! And that's sad. So you should either call me, text me, facebook me or... I don't know comment me... and tell me to tell you my new email I can keep reading.

K? Fab. Thanks!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

To End on a Good Note:

123 Days Until

I can't freaking wait!!! And so in honor of said movie, I give you this.

You know you've read Harry Potter too much when...

1. Continually ask people if they want a Lemon Drop.

2. Throw blankets over yourself and insist you're invisble.

3. Tell your hats that you don't want to be put it Slytherin.

4. Wince and grab your forehead every time you think you're near "You-Know-Who".

5. Ask snakes if they can hear you.

6. Instruct your chess pieces where to move.

7. Paint walnuts yellow, toss them in the air, and say you're the youngest seeker in a century.

8. choke on said Walnut, and say that you've caught the Snitch.

9. Act genuinely surprised when you get presents for Christmas.

10. Tap random bricks with an umbrella and insist you're trying to get into Diagon Alley.

11. Wave random sticks around, and when nothing happens, tell yourself that it just isn't the right one.

12. Tell your siblings that Hagrid will give them a pig tail.

13. Call people Muggles.

14. Tell random people that you know how to calm fluffy...

15. ...and refuse to explain.

16. Say "sunshine daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow," at every mouse you see.

17. Expect to see your heart's desire in a mirror.

18. Feel around in your pocket for any stones while staring in said mirror.

19. Remind your arch-enemy that there hasn't been a witch or wizard who hasn't gone bad in Slytherin.

20. Ask people to address their letters to you to the "cupboard under the stairs," or "the old house on the rock."

21. Search every bag of jellybeans for a bogey flavored one. Tell all those who say otherwise that George swore he once found one.

P.S. (Thing I'm Not Excited About)

Just because I'm divorced, I'm still a good person. And an awesome and caring friend. Quit judging me. So there.

( know who you are...)

Things I'm Currently Excited About:


Puppies After the Groomer

Boston in 3 Days!

Mocha Light Frappuccinos

Diet Pepsi

Mail in my Mailbox (real mail, not email...psh)

Austin in less than 2 weeks

Pittsburgh in less than 3 weeks

The Beach in 1 month


Taking Pictures

A Haircut


Clean Laundry

Packing a suitcase

Cafe Lalo


Netflix Instant Movies on Wii


The Possibility of Possibilities

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dear World,

Please let New York City cool down. Two days with temperatures over 100 degrees is just obnoxious. Plus the whole "air quality alert" thing is just scary. And it's giving me excuses not to work out. And we know I don't need to make excuses for that...the sweat from the heat is not the same as the sweat from a jog.

Lauren Wood

P.S. If you could do something about the tan-line from my flip flops, that'd be great too.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Dear World,

Why does everyone have 4th of July plans but me? And also, why does it really matter to me? I feel as though the holiday doesn't count for me unless I have something "4th of July"ish to do.



Can't. Wait.

I want the new iPhone. I want it in WHITE. So I have to wait. Cause it's not out yet.

I am practically shivering with antici-


The Concert of a Lifetime

For real. It. Was. Amazing.

Carole King and James Taylor...

I left feeling so inspired.

And that's all I have to say about it at the moment.