Friday, October 22, 2010


Today I took off about 8 inches of hair. Yes, Ladies and Gents. Lauren is one of those "short-haired" girls now!

Brandy did an amazing job. I thought there'd be a point, either at the salon or after I got home, when I would cry...and...I didn't! Because I LOVED IT! Correction: I Love It.

It's scary. I am nervous for people's reactions. But...yeah...I am pretty stinkin' happy with it! Woo woo woo my short hair woo!

So dear readers, here it is. Me with short hair:

So then I came home and showered and this was my hair after the shower! A little less styled. I have so many ways I can play with it! Woo woo! And I bought lots of headbands. To "girlie" it up!

And one fun photo. Just for kicks! ;)

So...any short haired girl reading this, comment something cool I can try with my new 'do! And to any of you longer haired folk...compliments are always welcome. ;)



Janey said...

YOU are SO HOT!!!! WOO WOO! Seriously I love it! It's funny because I saw a girl when I was running today that looked like you with short hair like this and I got so excited to see your hair! It looks so awesome, way to go Lauren!

Anonymous said...

hehe, definitely a lesbian haircut ;-) better than mine, actually, but i hate having bangs, so there you go. how's it feel? i love the feeling of, like, NO hair after having so much! and now that it's getting colder and you don't have to untuck it from scarves and shoulder bags (i don't really know how long it used to be), and hats actually help it more than harm it-- two goops of product and you're done! it's so great-- i <3 short hair!! congrats :DDD

L.S. said...

awww thanks janey! love you!

thanks jewels! it's true. life is so easy with short hair! showering is so crazy...i have to be careful about how much shampoo i use since i don't need it all! and i'll definitely be rocking a lot of hats this winter. my ears keep getting really cold! ha! loves!