Saturday, May 22, 2010

I burnt my pancakes.

I burnt my pancakes. Not enough to throw them out, but enough that they tasted kinda ...well, burnt.

I plan to make them again tomorrow morning (I have the pancake mix where you use eggs, milk, blah blah blah so I have to make the smallest serving...which is 10-12 pancakes, and I can't eat 10-12 then I get to have pancakes for like 3 days.) so hopefully I will not burn them tomorrow. I will most definitely TRY not to.

Tomorrow I am going to TARGET. I'm super excited. I love TARGET. I need to go buy one thing...but I know that I will walk out with an enormous bag of things. I need to give myself a limit. A literal dollar limit. I just don't know what it should be. I think $40. Cause the thing I'm buying should be like 15 at the most. And that gives me some wiggle room for any other exciting things I find. :) Cause one always finds exciting things at TARGET.

Also, I've decided that I will rearrange basically all of the furniture in my bedroom tomorrow to make way for my window AC. Cause it's getting to be that far I've been able to function without it, but I think it's about that time. And at the moment, my bed is blocking the window, so I wouldn't be able to press any of the buttons. Soooooo gotta move it! And if I move that, then I have to move other it'll be an exciting day! TARGET and moving stuff around. WOOO WOOOOOO!

And also, I have to practice my music for the benefit I'm singing in on Thursday. Cause...I don't know stuff. And I need to!

Aaaaand that's all. Peace!

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