Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Shoes I Love (aka You HAVE to buy these!)

It all started this spring, when I saw a commercial for a shoe company with a great idea. For every pair of shoes they sold, they donated a pair to children in need in underprivileged areas of the world.

I was so moved.

That this company was inspired to help make the world a better place. To help children. And now, it's fashionable. It's a trend. You see someone wearing these shoes and you think to yourself "that person helped a child in need...and they look cool doing it".

For me, at first, it was "this is a great cause! and i need new flats...good NYC walking shoes". So, I bought my first pair. The Classic Women's Canvas Shoe in Ash:

Those little shoes were my obsession this summer. As a formerly flip-flop obsessed woman in summertime, my flip-flops took a backseat to these babies. They are comfortable, easy, and totally adorable. And I just wanted MORE. Cause I mean, yeah, gray goes with a lot, but not with eeeeverything.

So one day, my sister facebooks me to tell me that TOMS is having a sale. $5 off every order. And I think to myself "$5 off?! that's totally a good reason to buy a new pair!" So I did.


I couldn't decide which pair I wanted.

So instead...

I just...


I bought 3 pairs.

So, Classic Canvas in Navy, Powdered Wool Cordones in Indigo (the ones with laces), Siebe Perforated Nylon Classic in Black...Welcome to my TOMS shoes family.

Now I have a pair for nearly every occasion! I wear them to work, I wear them to play, I wear them to do other stuff, I wear them ALL DAY! (ok, I had to make it rhyme at that point.)

So, my suggestion to you all is:

Go to and buy yourself a pair of wonderful (and adorable) shoes that will make you feel great- not only because you LOOK great- but because they support a really great cause.

And boys, don't feel left out! They have mens shoes too! And youth, and babies! EVEN SHOES FOR WEDDINGS!

They're the best. Seriously. I've never felt better about spending money on shoes.

So, really, go check them out.

Peace my friends.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Benefit (...Or "Me with Pink Hair")

So last night was the Lesbian Love Octagon Benefit. It was at the Stonewall Inn, which is a famous gay bar here in NYC (because it was the place of the Stonewall Riots in 1969, which is said to be the start of the Gay/Lesbian liberation movement). It was a night of frivolity, full of all sorts of things that I had never seen before. Lesbian Burlesque, Go-Go Dancers, me in a pink was an educational evening, to say the least!

So, presenting for the first time EVER in the whole UNIVERSE...


We did a 50/50 raffle and I had to sell tickets. Unfortunately, I did not sell that entire strand around my neck...I only sold like 8. But someone else took them and sold them for me!

Some of the cast sang the song "Drink To Being Single" from the show, which was also the name of the party! So we raised a glass to being single and sang all about it!

This is Ti, Sue, Me and Kat, who is belting it out while I am sipping my water. I am so hardcore. (PS: Like my tights?! I wish I got to wear this outfit for the actual show.)

Aww, see, here we're kind of sad about being single...but then we get happy again at the end and rock it out!

We had a great turnout for the party and it was a whole lot of fun! It made me really excited to start rehearsals and get this show up and running! Woo woo pink wigs! Woo woo striped tights!! Woo woo party party!!

Ok, the end.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Where did September go?!

Holy smokes. How is it already the end of September? Before we know it, it'll be the holiday season. (Oh boy! I can't wait! That's my favorite time of the year!)

This year has gone very quickly. Anyone else feel that way? I mean, shoot, I had stuff I meant to do this year and totally haven't even thought about yet! Golly.

Come October, I start rehearsals for my little show up here in the city. I'm excited, but I know the next month is going to be insanely busy. It's a little intimidating.

Tonight we're throwing a fundraiser for the show. I'm going to be singing at it, woo woo woo! And I'll be wearing a bright pink wig! Pictures to come, of course. :)

Anyway, just thought I'd check in with the blogosphere and let y'all know I'm still alive and well!

I'll write more soon...specifically, I want to tell y'all about my favorite shoes in the entire world. Sounds boring? Whatever, you don't even KNOW! Get ready.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Well folks, only 9 days until the first day of autumn. In the spirit of this time of year, I decided my blog needed a bit of a makeover. It's like buying new school I picked a "school books and changing leaves" type of decor.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

A General Update

OK! So...

Got a new job. In fact, I got two. I will be doing the whole "retail" thing at Williams Sonoma. (Woo woo! Love that place!) And I also will be working for a pretty nifty up and coming tech company as their administrative (do-all-the-stuff-they-don't-wanna-do) assistant. So, YAY MONEY! no life cause I'm working all the time. But that's the price you pay when your health insurance on COBRA is just $100 less than your rent. Cool.


ALSO...I have gotten in to this new type of yoga. It's called anti-gravity yoga. And it's just about the coolest thing I've ever done in my life. Check out this photo:

Yeah. That's basically what you do. You try out poses and inversions in this hammock and it's supposed to put less pressure on your body, especially your spine. Plus being upside down recharges your circulatory system and all this good stuff. Basically, I come out feeling like I'm 5'4"! Which is impressive since I'm not even 5'2". It feels so good to feel the space in between the discs in your spine and your shoulders and neck get stretched so well. Plus, the teacher puts in some strength training and crunches and all this snazzy stuff!

I also tried the restorative anti-gravity class, which is when they lower the hammocks closer to the ground and you do a lot more stretching and "resting" positions. Like so:

I wish these pictures were of me, alas, I had to find some online. Perhaps if I remember to bring a camera sometime, I'll post some of my favorite poses! :)

But I have to say my all-time favorite part of class is in savasana (corpse pose...sounds yucky but it's so relaxing) when we get to snuggle up inside the hammock like we're in a little cocoon and just meditate and let our bodies sort of re-set after our class. It's like being in a womb or something...warm and cozy and safe. I LOVE IT.

So...anyone who wants to come with...this will be a regular thing for me from now on. I adore it.

Nothing else is really new. Rehearsals for LLO start in October and I'm pumped for that! Gotta love singing and dancing and all that jazz.

Until next time!
