Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Facebook Hiatus

I'm taking an official facebook hiatus. I'm going for a week, but we'll see if I can go longer. No facebook activity whatsoever.

Wish me luck. I need a break from social networking!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I had a whole big plan back at Thanksgiving to have a friend of mine come over and take a few pictures of me and the pups and then I'd get all my Christmas cards ready and sent by 15th.

....That didn't happen.

Instead I chose to do it last night on iPhoto and do "a year in review" and used pictures I've taken throughout the year and write a little "here's what I did this year" letter.

To be perfectly honest, I don't like it. It's fine, I mean, sure. But...I'm disappointed in myself for not planning ahead enough to get it done.

So uh...if you want my stinky card, send me your address and I'll send you one.

But I doubt this post has made you want to receive it anyway!

Love you all, faithful readers! (if you exist...hello? is anyone out there?!?)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Full Time Job

It's official. I'm an adult.

Not only do I turn (gag...) 25 next week, but this week I started my first official full-time job with a desk and a salary and health insurance and a 401K and all that stuff.



I'm still a little weirded out by it.

I have responsibilities and tasks to accomplish. And when I leave, I keep thinking about work. And I keep my phone near me in case I get an email that I need to respond to... It's SO weird.

But at the same time, it's quite nice. I am needed. I have things that I must do in order for the business to run smoothly. I have people ask ME questions and need MY help. Granted, I don't know anything about the stuff they're doing...but I can still help with office stuff.

So yeah. Oh, and I'm renting a car to drive home for the holidays...and this is the first time I won't pay extra for being underage.

Anyway, seeing that I have responsibilities and tasks and stuff, I should probably stop blogging and get down to it.

Happy Friday,
Your Working Girl