Friday, December 10, 2010

Full Time Job

It's official. I'm an adult.

Not only do I turn (gag...) 25 next week, but this week I started my first official full-time job with a desk and a salary and health insurance and a 401K and all that stuff.



I'm still a little weirded out by it.

I have responsibilities and tasks to accomplish. And when I leave, I keep thinking about work. And I keep my phone near me in case I get an email that I need to respond to... It's SO weird.

But at the same time, it's quite nice. I am needed. I have things that I must do in order for the business to run smoothly. I have people ask ME questions and need MY help. Granted, I don't know anything about the stuff they're doing...but I can still help with office stuff.

So yeah. Oh, and I'm renting a car to drive home for the holidays...and this is the first time I won't pay extra for being underage.

Anyway, seeing that I have responsibilities and tasks and stuff, I should probably stop blogging and get down to it.

Happy Friday,
Your Working Girl

1 comment:

Janey said...

congratulations!!!! I'm so excited for you! Woah, are you totally going to splurge on your first paycheck? That's what I did with my first grown up paycheck....and maybe my second or third, and definitely my last!!! :)