Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 90: What to pack??

Day 90: What to pack?? by lalasappy
Day 90: What to pack??, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.
Vacation starts tomorrow. This is my bag after an hour of packing.

Day 89: A Special Birthday Surprise for my Nephews!

Via Flickr:
I'm not telling you what it is because I don't trust that you won't tell them! So there!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 88: This is my new piggy.

Via Flickr:
She's awesome and sits in my room and saves my spare change.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 87: Shootin' cans. My first time firing a gun!

Via Flickr:
And once the hurricane passed, we brought out the BB Gun and shot targets. My very first shot went through the can. Yep. I am awesome.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 85: I'm out of here.

Day 85: I'm out of here. by lalasappy
Day 85: I'm out of here., a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Got far far away from the coast. Hiding out in PA til this storm blows over.

Day 84: It Begins....My first episode of Lost.

Via Flickr:
After the first...I sat and watched 2 more immediately. Is this going to take over my life?

Also - I cannot continue watching this if something bad is going to happen to the dog. Someone please warn me so I can stop watching. I do not condone TV Doggie Deaths.

Day 83: Charley got a haircut....a little too short!

Via Flickr:
Poor guy went to the groomer and had a different "stylist" she didn't know we like to keep his fancy "Pom" shape. Now he is a short haired dog! He's still adorable though. And he's shedding less!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You Make Me Laugh:

Artie:  Have you ever noticed the bad grammar in "This Is Not Over Yet" from Parade?
Me:  Haha, tell me.
Artie:  "No, this isn't over. No we aren't through. No, there's still a million things for you and I to do."  It should be you and ME.
Me:  .............
Artie:  Because you have to think about it as if the "you" was not there.  So it can't be "there's a million things for I to do", it needs to be "there's a million things for ME to do."
Me:  ...........
Artie:  PLUS it really shouldn't be there'S a million things.  It should be there ARE a million things...TECHNICALLY...
Me:  ..........
Artie:  Apparently Jason slept through Middle School English class.
Me:  Apparently.

....Am I the only one who sees the humor in this?  Maybe you had to be there... 

I was expecting something a little more obvious. 

Day 82: Om nom red velvet cake pop!

Via Flickr:
Yeah. I rule. They are especially delicious.

I do apologize for my slight obsession with photographing my cake pops. I'm just so dang proud.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 81: Angry Face Cake Pop

Day 80: Angry Face Cake Pop by lalasappy
Day 80: Angry Face Cake Pop, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
So SOMEONE tried to double dip the cakepop and the stick came out. The cake pop OBVIOUSLY was mad about it because it had this ANGRY FACE when I fished it out of the bowl. For reals. That's an angry old man in a cake pop. I'm just saying.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 79: Scouter's stitches are out- but the Cone of Shame must stay on.

Poor little lady is still sportin' the cone. But she's doing a lot better. I think the cone can come off tomorrow. She will be so happy!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 78: This Slice of Pizza is Bigger Than My Face!!

And I swear my nose is almost pressed up against the crust. It was HUGE.

Day 77: Home

Day 77: Home by lalasappy
Day 77: Home, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
This is my "home" subway stop. On the A. And it will be for at least the next month or so. Then I hope to go doooooooooowntown. :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 76: "Skull and Glossbones" Nailpolish

Via Flickr:
The bad paintjob was me. I SUCK at painting my own nails.

The ladies at the local nail salon are not disappointed by that at all.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 75: The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies

Via Flickr:
Seriously. You can't tell from this photo, but they were baked to perfection. And don't they just look perfect? I mean wow. I outdid myself.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 74: Book 2 - done!

Day 74: Book 2 - done! by lalasappy
Day 74: Book 2 - done!, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Now I'm just DYING to buy Mockingjay and read it.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 73: Harry Potter: The Exhibition

Discovery Times Square had an exhibition of props, costumes and sets from the Harry Potter movies. Today I got to go check it out! My favorite part? Seeing all the characters wands! And…I got to throw a quaffle through a quidditch hoop!

Yeah. I like Harry Potter. A lot. Don't judge me.

Day 72: Happy Birthday Eric!

Day 72: Happy Birthday Eric! by lalasappy
Day 72: Happy Birthday Eric!, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
A night out with Felicia leads to a birthday party with 20 British guys. Here is Feefs with the birthday boy. :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 71: Dear World, Can I live there? Thanks.

116th and Broadway. You may remember it from the movie "Enchanted"? Yeah. I'd like to live there.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 70: Pretty nice view from the playground!

Via Flickr:
Riverside Park in the 60's. This kiddo gets to look out onto the Hudson while he swings. Pretty sweet life. Ahh the joys of babysitting for people who have so much more money than me.....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 69: Scouter had Surgery

Day 69: Scouter had Surgery by lalasappy
Day 69: Scouter had Surgery, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Poor Scout had a lump on her leg from where she got her Rabies vaccine last year. Our vet contacted the company who makes the vaccine and they offered to pay for a biopsy of the lump. So now her poor leg has a massive bald spot, stitches and she's stuck in an E-Collar for 10 days. Poor little lady.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 68: Officially Into It

Day 68: Officially Into It by lalasappy
Day 68: Officially Into It, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Finished it in 3 days...only reading on the subway and before bed. Yeah, good book.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 67: Up close and personal.

Via Flickr:
Charley just can't get enough of my nose. I, on the other hand, have had enough of him trying to stick his tongue up my nostril.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 66: Homemade Beef Stew

Day 66: Homemade Beef Stew by lalasappy
Day 66: Homemade Beef Stew, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Simma down now...Yeah. I made that. In my Le Creuset Dutch Oven!! I rule.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 61: Roses from an admirer...

Via Flickr:
Basically cause I'm cute. And I had a bad day. So he got me roses.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So I was checking out my stats today...y'know, where my readers are, how they find me, etc...and someone from Brazil was reading!  Brazil - if you're still out there, say hi!  I think you're cool.

Also - who is in Alaska??  You're so far away...but I'm glad you stop in and read me!  Let's be friends and maybe I'll come visit you.  :)

THEN I saw that there were 17 visits from GERMANY on my blog...and I was like GERMANY?!  Why are so many people from GERMANY reading my blog?!?!  And then I realized- Oh, it's Ju.  :)

For some reason, I liked capitalizing GERMANY.  Perhaps because I took German in High School.

Guten Abend! Wie heisst du?  Ich heisse Lauren.  Ich komme aus Pittsburgh, aber wohne ich in New York. 

(I'm not sure if my grammar was correct there...sorry. )