Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You Make Me Laugh:

Artie:  Have you ever noticed the bad grammar in "This Is Not Over Yet" from Parade?
Me:  Haha, tell me.
Artie:  "No, this isn't over. No we aren't through. No, there's still a million things for you and I to do."  It should be you and ME.
Me:  .............
Artie:  Because you have to think about it as if the "you" was not there.  So it can't be "there's a million things for I to do", it needs to be "there's a million things for ME to do."
Me:  ...........
Artie:  PLUS it really shouldn't be there'S a million things.  It should be there ARE a million things...TECHNICALLY...
Me:  ..........
Artie:  Apparently Jason slept through Middle School English class.
Me:  Apparently.

....Am I the only one who sees the humor in this?  Maybe you had to be there... 

I was expecting something a little more obvious. 


Libby said...

Well, you had to know I'd appreciate this one!

tyler, terrah, miles and gavin said...


I've listened to this song many times, and the grammatical errors never popped out at me. And I'm an English fiend.

Thanks, Artie, for pointing this out. Tyler and I love finding mistakes like this.