Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So I was checking out my stats today...y'know, where my readers are, how they find me, etc...and someone from Brazil was reading!  Brazil - if you're still out there, say hi!  I think you're cool.

Also - who is in Alaska??  You're so far away...but I'm glad you stop in and read me!  Let's be friends and maybe I'll come visit you.  :)

THEN I saw that there were 17 visits from GERMANY on my blog...and I was like GERMANY?!  Why are so many people from GERMANY reading my blog?!?!  And then I realized- Oh, it's Ju.  :)

For some reason, I liked capitalizing GERMANY.  Perhaps because I took German in High School.

Guten Abend! Wie heisst du?  Ich heisse Lauren.  Ich komme aus Pittsburgh, aber wohne ich in New York. 

(I'm not sure if my grammar was correct there...sorry. )


kaci + tom said...

hmm, i'm not in alaska but i like you!

Anonymous said...

oops...you caught me!!!