Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 273: One of my favorite people in the entire world passed away today.

I'm about to put a pretty embarrassing fact about my life out into the world:

When I was a kid…maybe around 11 years old, my favorite band of all time was The Monkees. I had all their CDs. I had books, a lunchbox, posters…you name it. I loved them. I still do. But not with the pre-teen obsession I had back then. (I kid you not, my email handle was DavyJ67…for 1967 - the band's most successful year….yep. Insert totally embarrassed face here.)

Y'know how you were all into N'SYNC or NKOTB? Yeah, I was that intensely into the Monkees. And my favorite Monkee of them all was Davy Jones. He was my first real celebrity crush. Now, I didn't really have the celebrity crush on the 51 year old version….I had the crush on the guy from the TV show. In his 20's. Charming, handsome and that accent…oh boy.

One summer I even got to go see Davy in concert with Bobby Sherman and that guy from Herman's Hermits. Davy gave me his autograph, and like the 11 year old psychotically-excited girl I was, I screamed "I LOVE YOU DAVY!" He turned, smiled and said "I love you too!"

Davy's always had a special place in my heart. When I heard of his passing, I was so sad that the world had lost such a special person. I mean, look at that smile. He spread a lot of joy.

Feel free to make fun of me now. But I'm telling you, this music legend's (YES - HE IS A LEGEND - DON'T QUESTION ME) death shocked me 1000 times more than Whitney Houston. And yes, I even shed a tear for this adorable man.

"For today there is no day or night,
Today there is no dark or light,
Today there is no black or white…
Only shades of gray"
- The Monkees

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