Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I am considering....

(Hey, look!  Another post that isn't just a photo-a-day!  So rare!  So special!)

I am considering...going back to facebook. 

I know, shocking, right? 

It's been almost a year.  (I believe it will be a year in April?  I don't know...close to it, if not...)  And the break has been...well, amazing.  It was just so good to take some time away and focus on myself.  I have relished not being able to compare my daily life to that of my friends.  It makes me feel more positive about where I am. 

But, at the same time...I feel like I'm missing out on a lot.  My friends are having babies (Congrats Janey!!!!) and getting married and I find out about it like way after the fact.  Plus - sometimes I think of someone and want to reach out and say hi when I realize "Oh....I don't have their email address....or their cell number apparently..." And though maybe we aren't that good of friends if that's the case....I still would like to send 'em a hello.

If I do go back, I think I'll probably lay low for a little while...try to limit my time on it.  Because it really is nice not having that constant craziness of updates in my life.  (I have twitter...and that I can like, totally leave and come back and feel fine...I feel like that's sort of good enough!  It's just....not all my friends are on twitter.)

I'm torn.  I want to go back, but I don't.  But I do.  But I don't. 

Plus it's really fun to tell people I don't have facebook.  The reaction is always amusing.  Why is it so shocking to not be on this one particular social network?  And is shocking.  Because everyone and their mom (quite literally) is on it. 

I haven't made my decision yet...and if I do go back, it probably won't be until April/May because I'm determined to make sure I go a year without it.  :) 

I should write a book called "My Year Without Facebook".  Would you read it?  Would facebook let me advertise on their site? 

I want to know your thoughts, dear reader.  Can I survive without it in a world where facebook is rapidly becoming our primary means of communication with those not on our speeddial?  Are the friends I cannot contact at the moment worth giving up my peace and quiet for?  WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?!  (Sorry, generational outburst....remember when we used to call our friends if we wanted to tell them something?  Or better yet, ring their doorbells and ask if they could come out and play?  Well, those days are over folks.)

1 comment:

Janey said...

...and this is how long it takes me to get on a computer to write a comment...


I think having a facebook account has its benefits, but I'm proud of you for staying away. Sometimes it can be toxic! I do remember to text you things that you'd otherwise see on I guess that means we're close! :)