Saturday, November 14, 2009

There's No Place Like Home (And Why I Don't Understand Pumpkin Spice Lattes)

I love walking home. I live at the bottom of a big hill. And as I walk down it, I have a beautiful view of the George Washington Bridge. It's hard to appreciate in a photo taken on my iPhone, but you get the idea...

Beautiful, right?

Well, every day it seems to look different. The sun hits it at a different angle, the weather's always new.

Today, since it was raining and I had nothing to do, I decided to go up to Starbucks (which is right at the top of the hill! kudos to my neighborhood!) and grab a rainy day latte. Here was my view of the bridge walking home:

I could barely even see it! And it was STILL beautiful! Ahh, autumn in New York. You amaze me.


On a side note, I have completed a second challenge! For my rainy day latte, I decided to try something completely new for me: A Pumpkin Spice Latte!

...Ok, folks, what is the big deal with these things? I mean, I get it. It's a cute idea. Thanksgiving is coming...the holiday cups are here (which I adore; how festive!), but I did not enjoy the flavor. It just tasted like ...bad spices and coffee. Not even like pumpkin pie...which I wouldn't mind...but...just...spices in coffee.

Now, I'll admit, I went skim and no whipped cream...could that have ruined it for me? Because at this point, I am completely unimpressed.

Also, what an UGLY color it is...really. Eww.

But, I still tried it! Yay me!

Next time I may go for the gingerbread latte...but please, warn me if I'm going to run into the same problem here.

Anyway, here's to rainy Saturdays.

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