Monday, November 23, 2009

The Thing I Said I'd Never Do, But I Did

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am going to warn you now: this post talks about things underneath a swimsuit. If you are at all uncomfortable with that, stop reading now. Cause I don't want you mad at me!

I'm getting ready to go on vacation to Aruba...and as I was thinking about preparations for my trip I thought, "This would be an ideal time to try something new". So I decided, after much thought, to try something I said I'd never do.

I said I would NEVER do it! And as I learned more about them in recent years, I was absolutely SURE I would never do it. But I did it.

My weekly challenge? A BIKINI WAX.

Yes, folks. I waxed a very sensitive area. Well, to be precise, I had it waxed. I didn't do it myself.

I started by researching it on the website of the place I've gotten my eyebrows done before... It's an all-waxing salon on the UWS. Great place, by the way. If you're looking for a good waxing place, ask me about it! I highly recommend it.

Well, let me tell you, I went in knowing next to nothing about different kinds, prices, etc. And I could not stop giggling at the names/descriptions of these things!

The Goody-Tw0-Shoes (your standard bikini line)

The Deep Bikini (....they leave some...their examples, a landing strip or triangle! think they do custom? initials, perhaps?)

The Playboy (this one goes a little farther than a bikini line, if you get my drift)

The Sphinx (doesn't leave a thing)

I'm not saying which one I got...but I will say... Wow. That hurt. My legs started shaking about half-way through. Fortunately, the pain subsides fairly quickly. Plus, it's awkward to have someone down there purely for...cosmetic purposes. ...I'm just saying...

But, so far, it is worth it! I will look fabulous in my bikini! Well, at least, my bikini line will! Thanksgiving may not make me look quite as good.

So yes, perhaps this is TMI (too much information!). But as someone who had no idea what a bikini wax was like, I would've loved to read a blog post about it. So here it is for all you curious people!

Ok, now stop thinking about my bikini line and go do something else.

Until next time... Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I suggest taking a painkiller before your appointment and bringing something to bite/suck on (like a coughdrop). Definitely a cold pack afterwards. And some gentle lotion. The first time is the hardest. Not that it'll ever be something to look forward to, but the ick factor lessens over time. <3 Cabbage