Thursday, January 21, 2010


I'm lazy. I'm just a lazy person. I like to sit on the couch and watch movies. That's what I like to do. I don't like walking. And when you live in New York, you do a lot of walking. And I don't like it.

But today, after running some errands (and walking a lot), I felt the urge to take the puppies out for a walk. Now, if you've met my dogs, you know the excitement of going outside almost causes puppy heart attacks. And they were so happy to go outside. And it made me happy to make them happy. And so we walked and walked and Scout just ran and ran and Charley mostly sat in my arms since he can hardly walk. But I could tell that they were just so grateful to get outside and sniff and run and play.

Ahh, the simple joys of puppy life.

Walkies made my day today.

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