Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weight Loss Update

So...if anyone actually reads all of my posts, you may remember one waaaay back in January saying I wanted to lose 12 pounds by March 15. Well, I've been working toward that goal and I totally forgot when March 15 passed to check my progress!

...And now I've forgotten what I weighed when I made the dang goal. Ha. IF my memory serves me correctly, I can officially say


Even if it doesn't, I'm definitely down a decent amount of pudgy-ness. AND I've decided to just keep going til I can't anymore! In a healthy way. My body likes to tell me "hey, I don't like being any lighter than this" and I'll just stop losing and maintain. So I'm gonna go until that happens or until I feel like stopping and having a pizza! Haha.

But anyway, wohoo for me! I just had to put this out in the universe! I have self-control sometimes!!

1 comment:

kaci + tom said...

congrats! that's such an accomplishment.