Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rain, rain, go away...

So, all that snow we got...well, we basically got that amount again in the form of rain this weekend. Yesterday I went to pick up a package at the FedEx Warehouse in the Bronx...and it was quite the adventure. The rain was SO bad it broke my really strong and amazing polka-dot umbrella as well as soaked me to the bone...I got back and my hair was literally like I just stepped out of the shower.

And this morning, the thunder!!! It was AWESOME! It sounded like a building collapsed at one point. Craaaaazy.

So today is Inside Day...boring cleaning and laundry and all that. The puppies are full of energy. I wish I could take them for a walk, but I can't take them out in that weather!

Aaaanyway, I figured it was time for an update, but I don't really have all that much to say... Um, spring is coming! And that's nice!

OH! I turned in my tax stuff! Hooray!

Aaaand, I'm going to visit my family soon! Yippee!!

Ok, time to start cleaning...

1 comment:

Janey said...

wanna see your spice rack!!!! do u have pictures?