Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Spice Rack

This post is for my friend Jane, who was looking for some fun decorating ideas!

So, when I was moving into this new apartment, I needed a spice rack, but I needed it to be mounted on the wall because I don't have much counter space! So I looked around and looked around and just couldn't find something I liked. I took a trip out to IKEA to get a couple things and hopefully find myself a spice rack, when I found this:

They had this magnetic board and a bunch of fun magnets, but they had these little cans with magnets on the at IKEA, this was in an office and those cans were filled with paper clips and rubber bands and stuff.

So, I took a dry erase marker and wrote what each of the spices were on the can and then filled it! And just put them in a little design. Sometimes I change up the design when bored! And then I can also put little notes up there, or my grocery list... I really like it!

And...well, it's kind of like art! It takes up space on what would have been a very bare wall!

So there you have it! My super random spice rack! :)


alpapito said...

Wow, your is really cool. That is one of those spice rack for themed kitchen or dining area. It can really save space.

kaci + tom said...

i love it.