Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Two Things

1.  I know I say this every year, but I LOVE the smell of Autumn.  It's finally starting to cool down here in NYC, and with that comes the crisp fall air.  Now technically Autumn does not begin for another 3 days, I think.  But I can smell it.  And I love that.

...Of course, this week it's supposed to rain every day and I doubt it'll smell as fabulous as it did all weekend with the cooler air.  UGH I LOVE THE SMELL OF AUTUMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2.  So it may LOOK like I am on my blog every day-ish and staying on top of stuff, but I am here to tell you that I am NOT.  It has been SO long since I've had the opportunity to catch up on what everyone else is up to.  I literally take maybe 2 minutes to come on and TAG the posts that I forward over from flickr...and then I leave immediately.  (Because I am usually doing that in a spare moment at work...which seem to be very few and far between nowadays....) 

So I ask you, dear friends, update me on your life.  Leave me a little comment telling me how you're doing and what's new...because then it goes to my email and I take a little moment out of my day and get to think of you.  :)

PS:  As you can see from my Sunday picture, I ran the Race for the Cure on Sunday!  It was fabulous to run a race in Central Park.  And I didn't finish last out of my group, which was my goal.  (...I did finish second-to-last, but it wasn't LAST!  Plus, it was mostly tall boys and tall boys run fast.)

Ok, gotta get back to the grind.  Love you all!

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