Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 108: At the Dog Run

Day 108: At the Dog Run by lalasappy
Day 108: At the Dog Run, a photo by lalasappy on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Scouter got some major exercise. She slept very well Saturday night.


The Colbys... written by Erin said...

AHHH! I miss your blog for one second and ... YES LOST?? I know! it's awesome and you just have NO IDEA where it's going. LOVE. Bikes? Ouch. Doughnut? What the??? Fruit basket? Why don't people give these more often. And BOY? What boy? More please. love ya!

L.S. said...

Ugh, I miss you! Yes we have much to catch up on. The times they are a-changin'.

LOST has me wrapped around it's little finger. I can't stop. I'm in the middle of season two and I'm just going to have to not watch ANYTHING else until I get through the whole series. HA.