Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 317: Seeing TITANIC exactly 100 years after it started sinking.

Via Flickr:
The ship hit the iceberg at 11:40PM on April 14th, 1912 and by 2:30am, it was completely underwater. It was a bit heartbreaking watching all the beauty and the sadness the film conveys and knowing that exactly 100 years before, it was a reality. I kept thinking about how it would've been different if that had happened today…coast guard and helicopters could've been there sooner and so many more people could've lived. Not to mention the fact that it would've probably been SO illegal not to have enough lifeboats that it wouldn't have sailed out without them.

This movie is better than I remember. Seriously. I mean, I remember seeing this in theatres but I was more blown away by Leo at the time! (oohhh leo…my 6th grade self was so in love with you…) But on a whole it's quite impressive (aside from the slightly old school computer images that were a bit obvious…) and very moving.

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