But really. It's a rainy day. And it's Monday. And y'know what, rainy days and Mondays always get me down. I could NOT get out of bed on time this morning. There was just no way. BUT instead of complaining about the "rainy dayness" of it all, I'm going to look on the bright side.
On the bright side of this rainy day, I got the go-ahead from my boss to take 2 days to finish my QB training. Not the funnest of tasks, but it means 2 days working from home, which I never get to do. Sweatpants and glasses! No makeup! Yay!
Also on the bright side - I have a date tonight! Whoopee!
Bright side again - I booked a trip to Austin! Love visiting my family. Can't get enough of 'em.
Lastly - I'm getting back on the healthy wagon and starting a new "meal plan" tomorrow. (I will not use the "d" word because ...well, they never seem to work! So...meal plan is my preferred phrase.) Smaller portions, less meat, more veggies and a lot less snacking! And hopefully I can convince myself to work out more than once a week...cause that's just sad, Lauren. Seriously.
Ok, back to work and back to humming Ms. Carpenter's old tune...
"Hangin' around...nothing to do but frown. Rainy days and Mondays always get me down."
i couldn't get out of bed this morning either...fighting off a cold from amy, ugh. i get sick twice as often with a love...and i get sick a lot anyway! so yeah, agreed...rainy days & mondays-- double whammy!
ah, karen carpenter. she came up on the cafe playlist where i was working a little while ago!
yesterday's weather totally sucked. but yay for your bright sides!
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