Saturday, April 24, 2010


Ok, so obviously the bad photo idea was a bust. So now I need to figure out what else I can talk about on this dang thing...

Did I ever tell you the "That's What She Said" story that was so incredibly inappropriate? I mean, personally, I think all "that's what she said" stories are inappropriate...but this one was...actually inappropriate. Not just funny inappropriate.

Ok, so. I'm at the 34th street subway station waiting for the NQRW to go up to 42nd St to meet a friend. A nice-looking, smiling gentleman approaches and asks, "Excuse me, do you know which train I should take to get to the Apple Store on 5th Avenue?". To which I reply, "I think you can get on any train on that side (I pointed to the local side), but let me check real quick". So, I pull up my subway map app on my iPhone and as I am looking I say, "I've gotten off there before, but I just want to make sure"...

...and he immediately replies "That's what she said".

And I just paused...and threw up a little in my mouth...and told the guy "Yeah, any train on that track will take you to the 57th street station" and he said "Great! Thank you!" and went on his merry way.

REALLY?!!?! REALLY?!?!!?!?!?!?!! It took me a second to even figure out WHAT he could've said that about...I mean, gross dude. AND YOU ARE A TOTAL STRANGER. You'd say that to a total stranger?!

I guess it's ok to drop a "that's what she said" between friends...but to a perfect stranger after you ask them for directions??? Honestly. Yuck.

I was just in shock. And now I just find it funny...and weird. Oh, random people on the subway... that I've shared that, I've run out of things to say.



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