Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I didn't do it.

I didn't really stay away from facebook completely...but I did a dang good job! Now I am trying to still go easy on it. No facebook while at work, obviously, and very little at night. Only when I'm bored on my phone. This is good for me.

Of course, give up one and start another. I've gotten really into twitter. I still don't understand it (What the heck is a hashtag and how do you use it?!) but I love reading people's really dumb or random thoughts or updates. Some of my friends are super hilarious.

Ok, really, I'm just writing this because I really don't want to do the thing I'm supposed to be doing right now. And that's wrong. I shouldn't be procrastinating. So I'm going to stop writing now and get back to what it is I should be doing.

But hey...


Ok, ok, one more thing: My Resolution.

I have decided I need to eat LESS meat. I eat meat at nearly every lunch and dinner. And it's not healthy. It's tough, but right now I am down to meat only 3 days a week. I've planned my dinners (because that's the toughest meal for me) for the week and so far, so good!

I'm going to try to work it down to 2 days a week and then 1...but I figure baby-steps are the way to go here. Then once I'm down to very little meat, I'm also going to cut out UNHEALTHY dairy. I eat a LOT of cheese. Like a freakish amount of cheese, when I think about it. So, I need to do away with that.

And probably ice cream. Shouldn't have that almost every day.

Basically I'm hoping I can get to a point where I am near-vegan.

And if you have any tips or anything that can help, I'm open to it. I'm also open to someone showing me some video about how slaughterhouses work and maybe then I won't want ANY meat at all...but the idea of that also really scares I'm not sure I'm ready for it. But if you'll hold my hand through it, maybe.

Ok. Really though, back to the real world.



Anonymous said...

Hey- Yeah our family is eating less meat as well. It's great I love it. My sister in law runs a blog with recipes - that you should check out. They are mostly easy and all vegetarian. It is a great place to start. I just made her white bean salad and it took like 5 mins. I love her homemade granola bars, and red cabbage salad.

Ly + Alan said...

Good luck with your eating less meat resolution...are you going to still eat chicken? We go vegetarian one night a's pretty fun. I recommend getting the cookbook "how to cook everything vegetarian" by Mark Bittman. It's an awesome book and worth every penny =)