Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm totally going to be that girl...



Whew, ok, now that I have that out of my system, I can focus on what I actually wanted to say.

I'm mad at the snow.

Not for the reason you think.

I LOVE the snow. And the snow is disappointing me this year. It's all "hey, hey the weatherman says I'm coming and I'm gonna be intense!!! ...juuuuust kidding, only 4 inches...which in NYC doesn't matter cause the plows take care of it in about 10 minutes and the subways are still running."

And then "ooooooo I'm coming and it's gonna be an ALL DAY storm!!! ...only joking, it's all day, but only the first 2 hours are snow, then it's sleet and freezing rain...which is just annoying. Not at all pretty."

And finally "OH YEAH...HERE IT IS...I'm gonna SLAM you!!! ...ehh, only with 8 inches and I'm done by 6am so the plows came and now you just have to slop through me on the sidewalks where someone didn't shovel (which they could get fined for so it's pretty rare)."

Lame. Really lame snow.

I want a BLIZZARD!! I want to be UNABLE TO GO TO WORK DUE TO SNOWSTORM. And 2011 snow is making that impossible. It's just some far off dream where I get to take a snow day and play outside in beautiful, fluffy, white goodness.

Dear Flakes,
Please come visit New York City. Please come with all your friends, relatives, aquaintences, and anyone else you can muster. Please come DUMP yourselves all over our gorgeous metropolis so that it may shut down for at least one business day. Let it be a snow emergency. Let it be so intense we talk about it for weeks. I've got plenty of canned goods, so I'm ready. (I mean, let's not knock out the power or anything, cause then I'll get cold...but y'know, do your thing!)

Your Most Hopeful Friend,

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