Thursday, February 24, 2011

The News You've All Been Waiting For...

Not really.

Do you ever feel like your blog post is just anti-climactic? I read my friend's blogs and they're all "We just found out...IT'S A GIRL!", "Big news...WE'RE ENGAGED!", "Guess what...WE'RE MOVING!", "You were all asking...PICTURES FROM THE HONEYMOON". "I'm so relieved...I GOT A NEW JOB!".

Do I need any more examples? You get the idea.

And here I am like..."I went home to Pittsburgh for Christmas!" "Look at this funny picture of my face!" "It's snowing!" "Complain complain complain".

. . .

I'm totally lame.

My life seems so small and insignificant sometimes. Especially now. My job is nothing important. I'm completely replacable. I audition for shows...I get callbacks...and never get cast. I feel untalented and unwanted. My jeans are a little tight. I'm totally not cute anymore.

I mean, I see what posts get attention and what posts don't...big news, something dramatic, something exciting: Comments. Me just rambling: Not so chatty. I'm not fishing for blog comments here, but I'm just saying...

Is my purpose in life this menial? Is my daily life so mundane?

Sigh...I don't know, cyber world... Blogs are cool and I'm glad I have you faithful readers out there who like to peek in on me from time to time. But sometimes I take a step back and just think, "This is so lame".

Not lame like "blogs are dumb", but lame like "look at what's important for me to write down". I mean, shouldn't I blog about something important? Save the Whales! Adopt a Puppy...and then NEUTER IT! Recycle!!!

I fully support all those ideas. But why don't I write about them? And if I did, would you even wanna read it? I am all for good deeds and stuff, but I don't know how often I'd want to read about it.

Anywho...I'm off to save the office from disorganization.

Lovies to you, dear readers!



Janey said...

I like you! I feel like my life is pretty boring lately, so I feel your pain. At least it's not crazy dramatic or anything, right??

Anonymous said...

"My jeans are a little tight. I'm totally not cute anymore."

first of all, tight jeans are in. you're in vogue. you rule the trend-setting world.

second of all, you're totally cute. you do cute better than anyone i know, which is completely why i wanted to be your roommate in the first place. the cute factor. keep it in mind. it's also a big reason why many of us come to your blog-- it's cute. if i wanted to read about issues every day, i'd go to jucispeak/earthintruders.

not all blogs are created equal-- thank god.

ci said...

NOT LAME. are you kidding me? all the people announcing big stuff get pretty boring after a while...your blog has charm they can only dream of!

L.S. said...

Aww, I love you guys. :)