Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today, as I suffer from my monthly womanly woes, I was thinking to myself... "I wonder if cramps burn calories...". So I thought, "I'll google it."

Now part of me was totally embarrassed that, A) I wondered this at all ...I'm that lazy that I hope cramps are doing some caloric good? B) I'm going to google this at work and C) I am pretty sure I know the answer to this already...but I'm hoping I'm wrong.

So I start to type it into google and y'know how it tries to predict what you're searching for? Well, all I have typed in is "Do menstrual cramps" and BAM! Choice number 3 is "burn calories?".

And I think to myself, "Well, obviously, I'm not the only one to think this way! I have no need to feel embarrassed!"

Turns out...they don't. Bummer. Cause I'd be burning up a storm today.

Hope all the men out there that read this blog enjoyed this post! (what is that, like 1 person? I can't even think of a guy I know who reads this blog...but if you're out there, I truly hope you liked the info I just provided!)


1 comment:

kaci + tom said...

what a disappointment! seriously. i'm with you, i wish they did burn calories.

feeling a little crampy myself this morning, although i guess it's actually very mild contractions. definitely not my monthly woes. weird!