Friday, October 28, 2011

To Facebook Or Not To Facebook?

Maybe you all remember reading THIS BLOG POST about how I deactivated my facebook.  I told myself I'd like to stay off facebook until November 1st.  And I'm what, 3 days away from that deadline, and by gum, I've done it. 

Honestly, I've really enjoyed NOT having facebook.  I found myself always comparing my life to everyone else's when I was on there.  And it was making me unhappy.  So and so is getting married.  So and so is having babies.  So and so got a great new job.  So and so booked this show.  So and so traveled here and there. 

I was JEALOUS, alright?! 

What was my year like last year?

Lauren got divorced.  Lauren's job is mediocre.  Lauren's weight goes up and down.  Lauren really likes taking pictures of her dogs because that's who she spends most of her time with.

Ok, ok, that's a little melodramatic, but you get the idea.  That's where my mind would go. 

But here's the thing - it has seriously made me SO out of the loop.  Like SERIOUSLY out of the loop about things.  Those friends who got married?  I haven't seen pictures of the wedding!  Those friends that had babies?  Some sent me announcements, but I haven't gotten any updates!  (not their fault at all, they're busy people and that's why they post it on FACEBOOK!)  But the holidays are coming (and my birthday - wink wink!) and I am an actual Christmas (Or Holiday or Winter Solstice, what have you) Card Sender and I will have a much shorter list of cards this year unless I can hop back on that baby and remind people to send me their address! (plus it's totally saved in my inbox...y'know facebook saves all of your info if you deactivate...I think for a certain number of years...good for them.  makes my life easier!)

So I can't decide.  Go back or don't go back.  Connect or stay blissfully unaware. 

I've also thought about how much easier it is to send an invitation if I decide to do a birthday party...I'd forget so many friends by just using my cell phone.  I seriously didn't realize how many people's numbers I DIDN'T have in my cell before. 

Now, I have some options here...

  • I could go back full force and bask in all of facebook's glory.

  • I could go back but really limit how often I'm on there and how active I am.

  • I could go back temporarily and then deactivate again.

  • I could not go back at all and just stay out of touch.

Folks, I need opinions on this.  For reals.  I'm so's silly, I suppose.  But I miss some of my friends! 

Help me make this decision!  I've been so strong and I'm super proud of staying off for the time I have...but come Nov 2...should I go back?


Whitney Hardie said...

Go back JUST to get the contact info for people you want to keep in touch with. Then deactivate again

Everything else is just unimportant.

It's like when you're trying to get rid of things - put them in a box and throw the box away in 3 months if you can't remember what's inside. I bet your living a fuller life than me right now because I spend way too much time reading dumb updates from people I don't keep in touch with anymore.

There's my advice - I love giving advice!

Anonymous said...

hm, i'd say it depends on where you feel like you are with the comparing yourself to others problem. do you feel like you're in a better place (in your head) now than when you logged-off?

i do miss you on there. i post things all the time that i know you'd like, and only half the time (ok probly less) remember to email you about it.

there are plenty of people who never get on facebook even when they have accounts (how many times have i tried contacting people that way and they don't get my message for a week or more!). i think having it and limiting your use, if you can, is what i'd do. limit especially since you work on a computer all day long. heck we could do it on a buddy system, cuz sometimes when i'm home all day i keep checking it...constantly...i finally went in and edited the settings for all the groups i'm a part of so i stop getting a million notifications every time someone posts about mormonism. good grief, julia. unplug a little! if not just for the sake of the health of my relationship... :P

my 2cents!

Janey said...

I'm dying to get rid of facebook. I keep it for the contacts right now, but lately it just makes me sad..=-