Friday, May 20, 2011


Isn't that word kinda yucky?! Detoxification. I mean, I know it's actually a GOOD thing. To detoxify...whatever, but it just sounds so...ugh.

Well, that's what I'm doing. I am doing a 3 day cleanse called Kaeng Raeng. It's a vegan, gluten-free (peanut free- for anyone with allergies) detox. Basically 3 "shakes" a day, and then as much raw fruits and raw veggies as you want.

Today is Day 2. It's going...fine. Yesterday morning I was like "nope, no way I'm going to make it three days on this. no. freakin. way."

Basically, I just hadn't figured out how to make the drinks/shakes taste good. They say you can just add water. But I found, if you just add water, it tastes like powder. (insert Lauren's "YUCK" face here) There are also directions where you can add milk/yogurt, but then it's not vegan and there's more calories. They also mentioned frozen fruit/ice. I liked that idea. So I tried just adding ice and some sliced (unfrozen) strawberries. I still wasn't having it.

Then I went to the Natural Market on my way home (an organic food store that I seriously fell in love with yesterday) and they had some frozen organic blueberries AND these super cool frozen fruit purees! Nothing added, just pureed strawberries or pureed watermelon, etc. So for my dinner shake last night, I added the frozen blueberries and pureed strawberries and FINALLY I could drink this stuff.

And the whole time I've been munching on bananas, blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, carrots...whatever I can find that's raw!

It's only the middle of Day 2, so I don't know that I've seen "results" yet, but it's amazing to think about how much junk I put in my body on a normal day....and looking at what I've been eating the past day or so in comparison... I mean, whoa. It's amazing my body hasn't just exploded from NASTY stuff. And I don't even think I'm THAT bad of an eater...but yeah, I like fried stuff sometimes...and sugar and caffeine. And I eat a lot of processed foods; whether it's cereal or cheese or cookies or breads...I don't always buy organic/not processed stuff. I just haven't cared that much. (Sorry super organic people...)

Regardless of my "results", I think this will at least make me pay better attention to what I'm putting in my body every day. Hopefully even that will make a difference.

But I'm hoping that afterwards I'll just feel FABULOUS! :)

I'm not recommending this one just yet...but I'll let you know, my dear followers.

Have you ever tried a detox? Did it work?

Tonight - Lounging Lotus (restorative yoga) with Feefs! Yoga with Feefs is super fun. And she's never tried restorative, so I'm introducing her to it today. :)

Then tomorrow, puppies have a vet appointment (Poor Charley...I'm so afraid of what they'll tell me about his legs...he's hardly walking now.) and then I have a haircut/color. Mind you, I'm trying to grow hair I'm sure the cut won't be a big change. Basically just cleaning it up and taking some weight out. I appreciate the Italian, thick hair...really, but sometimes it's like "whoa...could you chill out, crazy hair?!". Yeah. I even say that. (No I don't.)

Ok! Hearts and Lovies to you all!


Libby said...

Thanks for the post, Lauren! I've been intrigued by cleanses for a while, but also terrified! This one sounds like it might work for me...I try to eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies anyway, and three days seems more manageable than seven! Let me know how you feel about it when it's all said and done.

Sorry to hear about Charley...hope he's ok.

And please share pics of the new hair when you get a chance! :)

Abby said...

Hey! So, I've juice detoxed before- sounds just like what it is. juice. nothin' but juice. But I actually eat the way that you are for 3 days all the time (plant-based, vegan, gluten free, only 60-70% raw though). It has completely transformed the way I look at food and I've never felt better since adopting it. Let me know if you're interested in hearing more. Lani and I feel better than we ever have before- and we actually spend less on food than we would have otherwise b/c it makes us plan our meals and cook at home 95% percent of the time. So, coming from a girl who's been eating that way for 4+ months, keep going! It will feel so good and so liberating to be freed from addictive foods like sugar, salt, chocolate, and meat!