Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Great Day Yesterday = Long Day Today

I am so sleepy.

Yesterday was a long day full of lots of fun things...but silly me, I didn't get home until about 12:45 and then had to get up for work! I'm usually very good about going to bed on time.

But I couldn't help myself! First I went to the dog run with the puppies, then I went to a little garden party thrown by a dear friend of mine, then had a coaching with the amazing Lady Jo, and then finally I went over to my friend Erin's house to spend some time with her before she and her beautiful family move to Phoenix, AZ. We played this crazy card game and I really got to see how competitive her husband is. It was kind of hilarious. I think my favorite part was when he picked up his cards and said "ooo, Daddy liiiiiiiiiiiiike...." I'm so glad I got to see her before she left. And I am putting it on the blog so it's official: I AM COMING TO VISIT. :)

I'm so grateful for my friends. You're all so sweet and wonderful and just so so good to me. Thank you for that. I hope you know that you're always in my heart and on my mind, even if we don't get to chat as much as I'd like.

Anywho...just wanted to give you all the fabulous details of my Memorial Day (Memorial Day always makes me think of the musical PARADE. Do you know it? I was in it in Boston and all day I just kept repeating Mary Phagan's line in my head "Mr. Frank? Happy Memorial Day." in a southern accent. ...oh, actors.) and tell you that you're THE BEST BLOG READERS EVER!

Side note: Auditions coming up. Thursday and Monday. Scared. Excited. Other feelings too.


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