Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Ok, so MAYBE I'll un-privatize my blog. (Yes I'm aware that is NOT a word.)

I only did it because I felt strange about certain particular people reading it...not as much the WORLD reading it... PLUS if there were any more mean bloggy stalkers left over from last year, PRIVACY got rid of 'em! HA HA!

I fell in the shower this morning. Like an old lady. It hurt. I'm fearing a brain hemorrhage now.



Janey said...

Cool dude! Always such a big deal, that whole privacy thing. I'll read it either way (obvs. since I comment on everything you ever write, ha!)

Harper said...

Um, we certainly hope you're okay after your fall, you old thing.

L.S. said...

there's still a bump on my head and a bruise on my tush...but other than that, i'm good!