Friday, May 6, 2011


I can't decide if I want to make my blog public again, or keep it private.

I keep hearing of all these people who read it before and they're all sad they can't anymore...I tell them to just give me their email address and I'll add them, but they forget or what have you and...I don't know. I just felt strange having my world/inner most thoughts on display but...then why did I have a blog at all if I had an issue with that?

I don't know.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think it just depends on why you made it private in the first place and if that concern still stands. my first assumption is always that you have certain people in mind who you want to keep out when you make something private. it does take a certain amount of effort, like, i have to think to check it now instead of just seeing it bump to the top of the blogroll on jucispeak, but if it's important to you/makes you feel better to have it private, i support that :)