Monday, April 4, 2011


Do you ever have one of those "Well, DUH." moments where you realize something that you were totally upset about was really for the best? And you definitely told yourself that while crap was going down but didn't realize until MONTHS later that it's actually true?

So grateful for those moments.

So grateful to realize I am better off where I am now.

I don't think or say that enough. I am grateful for my life. There are so many things that frustrate me and I am the first person to say the last 3 years have been the absolute hardest and worst (sad, right?) of my life. I struggled and I cried and I fought through so much pain...and I made it to the other side in one piece.

I'm so much stronger and I have learned so much about life and pain and how strong I am.

I am lucky. I am a beautiful soul. There are people in this world that love me for exactly who I am. And they care. You care...because the people who read this are definitely those people. I love you all.

I may not have everything I want right now, but I will find more happiness.

And I'm happy that those people that I left behind (or who left me behind) are happy too. I hope they'll stay happy. And I hope that eventually, they can wish me happiness too. Because they will be in my heart forever for the love they showed me at one time. Regardless of how they may treat me now.

But anyway...I'm just grateful. I'm grateful that today I said "DUH...Lauren, things are OK" and I know it to be true.

...people, please remind me of this the next time I'm freaking out. :)


PS: 1.5 miles on Saturday. I complained the last .3 because it was cold out and I was breathing through my mouth...but training is on track so far!

1 comment:

Janey said...

Yay!!! Way to go, lady! Isn't it refreshing to get to that point in particular trials? I'm pretty sure I did that this weekend with a particular issue I was dealing with...and phew, it's such a relief!

I like you a lot. I'm proud of you for handling things so well. I pretty much just think you're awesome.