Friday, April 8, 2011

Success yesterday.

But I'm still SO SLOW. 1.73 miles in 21:20. That's an average of 12:19/mile. Gross.

Granted it's not like I was trying to run like someone was chasing me....but still...I'm pretty sure I can also walk a mile that quickly.

Tomorrow will be 1.85 miles and Sunday is 2 miles. If on April 10, I'm almost 2/3 of the way there...I'm SO game for 3.1 miles on April 30th!! Still gonna try to get to 4 miles before the race so I'm like "3.1? Psh! Easy!"

And I'm hoping that once I've got the distance thing alright, the pace will get better. Right now I think I'm too scared to push myself to go faster for fear I'll tire out. Remember...LAUREN DOES NOT RUN. LAUREN HAS NEVER REALLY RAN. Lauren likes couches. Lauren likes sleeping. Lauren maybe dances for an hour but that's about the most cardio she'll do.

Ok, back to first person. There's this part of me that's literally ashamed to write my pace and stuff on this blog. But then I remember, hey, it's private, and if you guys make fun of me, I'll just not let you read anymore! (...actually, I'd probably still let you read...I'd just be like "hey, you jerk" or something to myself...)

But in reality, I mean, this is progress and I shouldn't be ashamed of progress, right?


Thank you.

Tomorrow I'm babysitting for the first time in like 8 months. For 9 month old twins. This is something I do NOT have experience with. And they are crawling. And I'm slightly petrified. But I want that money, so I'm gonna suck it up and hope I love these kiddos. I do miss spending time with children. And it's only 4 hours, so hopefully I can handle it. But I am a little nervous. (It's also a first time mommy...and I feel like first time mommies - yes, I know like 3 of you reading this are first time mommies - can be a little overprotective. But, it also means they're detailed, which I like. The more direction you give me, the more comfortable I am. And the more comfortable the kiddos are cause it's the routine they're used to! But yeah, I'm nervous. Or I wouldn't be writing so much about it.

Anywho...unless it's an absolute disaster, I'll probably write about it. Otherwise I'll pretend it never happened.

1 comment:

Janey said...

hahaha. I totally was an overprotective crazy lady for the first 14 months. Now i'm just slightly crazy, and 1/2 overprotective...progress!!! Yay for twins. Maybe it'll rub off and you'll have twinsies first!!! :)