Friday, April 1, 2011


I am so fidgety at work today. I can't concentrate. I'm getting nothing done because all I want to do is just JUMP AROUND! I wanna dance and run and bounce!

I have no idea why.

But I can't stop this feeling!!!!!!!

On the bright side, it means I'm SO awake.

I'm starting to think about my running playlists. Totally using your tips, btw, Jane! (I need some good Gaga recommendations though...cause for some reason I'm not feeling "Telephone" while I run...I don't know why...and I can't remember what else I have.) I don't like Black Eyed Peas that much, but I think they might be a good addition for the rhythms...

BronxZooCobra was found. Slightly relieved, since my 5K is at the Bronx Zoo...but I'm sad cause now the tweets can't possibly be as amusing. Have y'all been reading them? Hilar. Especially if you know the places that it was talking about.


Lovies to you all!

1 comment:

Janey said...

i feel like you're outing my lady gaga's slightly humiliating. I love "poker face" and "bad romance"

Oh my gosh, and I love listening to Katy Perry too! (and she's my neighbor like 5 houses up so i'm not even embarrassed) I like california girls and firework and um...i'll look at the rest.

Okay that's it, I'm sending you my whole list, i love it.