Monday, April 11, 2011

So far, so good.

So far, my training has been going well! This weekend I made it to 2.1 miles in 25:20. So I kept basically the same pace...around 12:30ish... and I'm on track to make it to my goal.

But I've started getting sore. Mostly right below my knees. Does anyone that a shoe thing or a weight placement thing? I'm not enjoying it. And I totes got a blister from the liner of my sneaker rubbing the side of my foot. Grr.

Today I'm taking a day off since I did 2 in a row over the weekend. I'm happy and relieved. BUT today is like the nicest day we've had in NYC in a looooong time, so I'm sad I won't be out running in it. I'd change my mind if I didn't have errands to run after work. But Charley needs his meds! And I need groceries. Plus, we got a big office supply/grocery order at the office so I spent like 15-20 minutes lifting cases of soda onto the proper shelves. Yay manual labor...

Oh! The twin-sitting went fairly well. One was pretty fussy, but other than that it was ok. It's kind of tough to keep your eye on two kids at one time when they're crawling and you're trying to keep them on the rug...but it's good practice for the future! I hope they call me again cause I like that extra income!

I baked cupcakes for my coworkers yesterday and used Jane's magnificent Buttercream Icing recipe! I realized after I finished it that I didn't quite let it get thick enough so it was getting soft pretty quickly and not quite fluffy enough, so I ended up just keeping the cupcakes refrigerated this time...but they still taste DELICIOUS! And now I know better for next time! Thanks Janey! :)

Crap, I forgot to take a picture of them. I have a couple at home. I'll take a pic and post it at a later date!

Lovies and Hugs and Kisses and Good Things.


Janey said...

Oh yay for the training! My knees totally get old-lady sore when I run too. I'm going to get a new pair of shoes someday soon so i'll let you know if that fixes it. After my half i could hardly walk for a week, i wanted to borrow a cane from the elderly neighbors :)

Boo, you better make cupcakes again so you can take pics of them for me!!!! :)

L.S. said...

haha omg don't even say that! it's such a scary thought after seeing this family. not that they're bad or anything but i'm like "holy cow, i would be a WRECK if the first time i was already juggling two!" CALLING YOU TONIGHT!